We want our pupils to recognise the importance of science in every aspect of daily life through curiosity and enquiry. We want to increase pupils’ knowledge and understanding of our world, by developing skills associated with science as a process of enquiry. Through a practical and enjoyable curriculum we strive to inspire and excite our children, feeding their thirst for knowledge. Science at our school promotes and develops transferable skills; such as observation, communication, collaboration and enquiry through real life contexts.
Our Science pedagogy is based on the development of these key scientific concepts:
• Conceptual understanding
• Processes
• Skills of enquiry
• Scientific attitudes
Children have weekly lessons in science using various programmes of study and resources which are linked carefully to a school scheme of learning and knowledge and skills progression plan. Lessons are often for one hour or a whole afternoon and are linked to our current school topics (where possible). They are delivered in a multitude of ways to suit a variety of learning styles. We have a three-year long-term plan in both key stages and work is assessed at the end of each half-term. This helps with the future planning of lessons to ensure the needs of all our children are met. In Early Years, science is taught by the children learning about the world around them through play. Activities in EYFS are both adult led and child initiated.
The use of scientific equipment and scientific skills are modelled to the children by staff to ensure concepts are grasped and scientific understanding becomes embedded.
The powerful knowledge we teach in science is as follows:
• Scientific literacy: a young person’s knowledge and understanding about science and how science works. This also includes their confidence in feeling that they know about science.
• Science-related attitudes, values and dispositions: this refers to the extent to which a young person sees science as relevant to everyday life (for instance, the view that science is ‘everywhere’).
• Scientific vocabulary • Knowledge about the transferability of science: understanding the utility and broad application of science qualifications, knowledge and skills used in science (e.g. that these can lead to a wide range of jobs beyond, not just in, science fields).
• Science media consumption: the extent to which a person, for example, watches science-related television, reads science- related books, magazines and engages with science-related internet content.
• Participation in out-of-school science learning contexts: how often a young person participates in informal science learning contexts, such as science museums, science clubs, fairs, etc.
• Family science skills, knowledge and qualifications: the extent to which a young person’s family have science-related skills, qualifications, jobs and interests.
• Knowing people in science-related roles: the people a young person knows (in a meaningful way) in their family, friends, peer, and community circles who work in science-related roles.
• Talking about science in everyday life: how often a young person talks about science out of school with key people in their lives (e.g. friends, siblings, parents, neighbours, community members) and the extent to which a young person is encouraged to continue with science by key people in their lives.
We encourage the continued learning of Science at home with #Science Selfies.
Assessment is viewed as building a picture over time of a child's learning progress across the curriculum and is viewed as an integral part of teaching and learning.
Assessment for learning (AFL) and Visible Learning underpin all learning. A variety of feedback is used to inform the pupils about their learning so that they become more involved in their own learning and from this gain confidence in what they are expected to learn and how to progress it further.
We use TAPS plans and activities to continually assess Working Scientifically formatively. Scientific knowledge is formatively assessed using HeadStart topic and termly assessments.