



Across our schools, we strive to ensure our children have the knowledge and a secure understanding to apply their mathematical skills to a range of calculations as well as reasoning and problem-solving questions in abstract and real-life contexts. Children are taught using concrete, pictorial and abstract representations to embed and deepen their understanding.



In Mathematics, we use the White Rose Scheme as a base for our teaching.  Our 'Maths Ladders' allow pupils to focus on small steps to achieve mastery in mathematics, whilst covering all concepts in the National Curriculum. The scheme is carefully structured to build on prior learning from previous year groups and areas of learning already covered within the school year. It ensures all pupils can develop secure knowledge and fluency skills and provides the opportunity to deepen their understanding through applying their skills to reasoning and problem-solving questions.

Lessons are full of purposeful practice opportunities which recap and build upon knowledge to embed an approach using concrete, pictorial and abstract representations to support learning. Careful questioning encourages deep mathematical discussions and thinking, and pupils’ lessons are carefully crafted to foster deep conceptual and procedural knowledge.

During lessons, pupils will access an arithmetic starter session to embed calculation skills before moving on to a key learning focus. Teachers will specify and explore key mathematic skills and vocabulary to be used in the lesson and children will be provided the opportunity to work both collaboratively and independently. Adaptive teaching and an inclusive environment where children have free access to a range of mathematical resources to support and enhance their learning will also be available. Classrooms will have a developed learning wall which demonstrates different representations of questions alongside ‘top tips’ to support children to be independent.

Our children will: be engaged because of they are challenged, become independent learners who understand their strengths and areas for development, be encouraged to be resilient to overcome any barriers; and ultimately develop solid mathematical skills and confidence over time because of the planning, delivery and time given to refine skills.

We believe that times tables are a fundamental skill which so many other mathematical concepts are built, therefore children are given time and access to resources including 'Times Table Rock Stars' to help them achieve.



Assessment is a continual process and allows a picture of a child’s learning progress to be seen over time. It is used as a tool to inform all planning and teaching and to identify where extra interventions are required. Visible learning is used so pupils can become more involved in their learning process and the outcome expectation. In this process, pupils are encouraged to self and peer-assess and use feedback received (in a variety of ways) to gain confidence which will help them to understand how they can progress further in their learning.


Both formative and summative assessment is used to gather evidence. Some examples of this are: 

End of KS1 and KS2 SATS

Year 4 Multiplication check  

EYFS Early Learning Goals 

Reception Baseline check 

White Rose (Pre and Post) unit tests

Test Base (Arithmetic)


School related documents and policies: